Healing Aura

Learn how to heal your aura with the help of pranic breathing.

  • Sit comfortably tense by placing your hands behind your head, pulling, then releasing and stretching, like a cat awakening from a sleep.
  • Breathe in slowly, hold for a count of three and exhale through the mouth with a sigh. Do this seven times. As you inhale, visualize the air as either pure white for energy, gold for matters of the spirit, rich green to heal the heart,  a rich clear red to unclog any physical blocks, purple or pink to restore general harmony. See the light radiating through your body.
  • As you exhale, see black mist being released, leaving your body lighter.
  • Breathe in slowly again and imagine this wonderful healing light entering. Hold your breath for three seconds, then breathe out slowly, so that the dark breath leaves. Wait for three seconds and breathe in.
    Repeat this healing exercise several times. In your mind' eye, the exhaled breath should become paler and paler until all the negativity is gone.

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